Tips on caring for Calathea warscewiczii

Tips on caring for Calathea warscewiczii

How do you water Calathea warscewiczii correctly?

Like all types of basket marante, Calathea warscewiczii likes it neither too dry nor too wet. The substrate should always be slightly damp without waterlogging.

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  • The flowering of the Calathea warscewiczii appears in summer
  • Calathea warscewiczii is not poisonous
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Water the Calathea regularly with lime-free water, preferably rainwater. Pour off excess water.

Since the Calathea warscewiczii needs a very high level of humidity, you have to spray it regularly with water, especially in winter. The humidity should not fall below 80 percent.

What do you have to consider when fertilizing?

Do not fertilize the houseplant too often. During the growth phase it is sufficient to provide them with a little liquid fertilizer once a month. Reduce the quantities indicated on the package.

Do you need to cut Calathea warscewiczii?

In spring, cut back long shoots by a third. You can cut off dried leaves and dead flowers at any time. Shorten these plant parts right at the base.

When is repotting necessary?

Repotting is always necessary when the Calathea warscewiczii has become too big for the previous pot. The best time to repot is spring.

The new pot must have a drainage hole and is filled with water-permeable substrate.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases occur when you keep the Calathea warscewiczii too moist. Watch out for pests like

  • Spider mites
  • Aphids
  • Thrips

How is the Calathea warscewiczii cared for in winter?

Calathea warscewiczii is not winter hardy. The temperatures at the site must not fall below 18 degrees, even in winter.

The plant does not enter a proper resting phase. In winter, however, it is a little less watered and little or no fertilization.


Do not place the Calathea warscewiczii in direct sunlight. The non-poisonous houseplant feels much more comfortable in partial shade. If there is too much sun, the leaves turn brown.