Green peppers also taste delicious

Green peppers also taste delicious

You can also harvest these varieties green

  • Jalapeno
  • Serrano
  • Anaheim
  • Sweet peppers
  • Poblano

These varieties should fully mature

  • Yellow Hot Wax
  • Hungarian wax

Frequently asked questions about harvesting green peppers

Red or green harvested - what's the difference?

You can use both red, ripe, and green hot peppers for cooking. The difference is that pods that were harvested green have not yet fully developed their sharp aroma and therefore taste much milder.

also read

  • Hot peppers - the peppers with a special aroma
  • Hot peppers - paprika vegetables with a rich biodiversity
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What is the best time?

You can harvest hot peppers from August. In October, the latest date, you will be completely red. Early onset of frost sometimes makes it necessary to bring the fruits to a warm place beforehand and to harvest them early, i.e. still green.

What happens after the harvest?

In Mexico, where the peppers are native, the green pods are roasted over a gas flame so that the tough skin can be removed more easily. In addition, the green peppers develop more flavor in this way. But it is important that you only roast them and not cook them. The peppers are then used, for example, for stuffing. If the harvest is plentiful and you do not consume it immediately, it is advisable to chop the remaining fruit and freeze it.

Do green peppers ripen?

Some varieties still turn red after harvest. With other varieties, however, caution is advised: they tend to mold quickly after picking or shrivel massively, so that they can hardly be used for culinary purposes.