Peel the mango - this will keep the juicy flesh intact

Peel the mango - this will keep the juicy flesh intact

The big core is the troublemaker

Inside the mango there is a large core that is very firmly attached to the pulp. It is not easy to pull out; the yellow pulp has to be laboriously separated from it with a knife. A lot of fruit juice can be lost in the process.

also read

  • Core the mango - this is how you separate the pulp and stone
  • The fascinating world of mango varieties
  • Is the Mango a Citrus Fruit?

This fact also has an influence on the peeling of the fruit, because it is difficult to hold on without the peel. The subsequent separation from the core is made considerably more difficult. Both must therefore be coordinated with one another.

Peeling is a tough job

The outer skin of the mango fruit is not eaten because it contains substances that can trigger allergies. They are therefore peeled off the fruit. This is not easy either, because it is very stable and extremely tightly connected to the pulp below.

The pressure that has to be exerted when peeling crushes the pulp underneath. The delicious fruit juice comes out, your hands get sucked in, the fruit becomes slippery and can hardly be held on.

A few tips and tricks have to help us so that the mango peeling goes without a mess and the pulp remains largely intact.

These tips and tricks are there

When peeling the mango fruits, some work steps have emerged in practice that make this work more effective.

  • use a firmer mango
  • Peel the mango with a glass
  • Make hedgehogs from ripe mangoes

Use firmer mango

A mango that is not fully ripe is ideal for peeling.

Original text

  • the fruit is already aromatic
  • the pulp is still firmer
  • hardly any juice escapes when peeling and cutting
  • the pulp is not crushed
  • Peel the peel of the mango with a small and very sharp knife or a vegetable peeler. Only apply as much pressure as is absolutely necessary.
  • Then cut off the pulp piece by piece.
  • Any residue adhering to the core can be scraped off with a teaspoon until only the core remains.
  • Peel the mango with a glass

    One of the best tricks to get your mango pulp is with a drinking glass. The execution is not a problem, after all, drinking glasses are available in every household. When making your selection, however, you should consider the following points:

    • the glass should be stable
    • with thick glass wall
    • match the size of the fruit

    For the trick with the glass to work, the fruit should be ripe.

    All work steps in detail

    1. In the first step, cut the mango lengthways. When doing this, penetrate the meat so deep that you can feel the solid core with the knife.
    2. Cut the fruit close to the core so that you then get two mango halves. One half with and one without a core.
    3. Hold the glass in one hand and the mango half in the other hand.
    4. Press the edge of the open cut surface against the glass.
    5. Move the mango half so that the force of the glass wall detaches the pulp from the peel and slides into the glass. If it is easier for you, you can also hold the mango and use the glass to perform the “separating movement”.

    Make one or two hedgehogs

    If you turn a mango half into a hedgehog, you can do without peeling the fruit entirely. However, this trick only works with a ripe and ready-to-eat mango. You can recognize a ripe fruit by the following characteristics:

    • the mango smells
    • Fruit gives way easily at the touch of a finger

    The color of the mango fruit is not an indication of its ripeness. Green-skinned fruits can also hide ripe pulp. Fruits with red skin are simply the result of temperature differences during growth.


    Unripe mangoes don't belong in the fridge. They can ripen at room temperature. Put the fruit in a paper bag together with an apple, it will ripen the fastest.

    Instructions for a hedgehog

    1. Carefully pick up the fruit so as not to crush the soft pulp underneath. You can also cut the fruit open on a wooden tray. However, since it is not stable due to its round shape, you would have to hold it with one hand.
    2. Cut the fruit in half with a sharp knife, the knife blade must be long enough for this.
    3. Cut into the fruit all around, keeping the knife close to the core.
    4. Place both mango halves on a wooden board, each with the open cut surface facing up.
    5. Use a pointed and sharp knife to cut longitudinal and transverse lines into the pulp. Be careful not to cut the shell.
    6. Take half of the fruit in your hand.
    7. Hold the outside of the half and gently press the center of the peel until the fruit is inside out. The fruit is domed and the mango cubes stick out like thorns.
    8. You can easily remove the small mango spines from the peel with a spoon or knife.

    You can make another hedgehog from the second half of the mango. The core is simply cut out with a sharp knife.

    Conclusion for quick readers:

    • Challenge: The pulp is easily crushed when peeling; Fruit juice comes out
    • Tricks: choose firmer mango; peel with glass, make hedgehog
    • Firm mango: pulp remains stable; Peel off the peel; Cut the flesh piece by piece
    • Glass: For ripe mangoes; Use a sturdy, thick-walled and sufficiently large drinking glass
    • Tip: Ripe mango smells and gives way to pressure.
    • Step 1: Cut the fruit in half lengthways and close to the core
    • Step 2: Press the edge of the cut surface against the glass; Press mango down;
    • Step 3: the pulp comes off the skin; falls into the glass
    • Hedgehog: cut the ripe mango lengthways; Separate in half
    • Slicing: cut the flesh lengthways and crossways; turn inside out

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