Where does wild garlic grow?

Where does wild garlic grow?

Find occurrences of wild garlic in nature

Since wild garlic likes to grow in the shade or partial shade, the largest occurrences are usually found in the deciduous forests of Central Europe. In principle, it occurs more frequently in alpine locations and in the foothills of the Alps than, for example, in northern Germany. Wild garlic also thrives on lime-rich soils and spreads particularly strongly in alluvial forests, as it is here that it finds the necessary soil moisture in the long term. As soon as the wild garlic has found the right conditions such as humus-rich and not too dry soil in a place, it spreads heavily on the forest floor. After a few years, these deposits can take over entire clearings and depressions in the forest. The easiest time to find wild garlic is in April and May, when the white wild garlic blossoms rise between the fresh green leaves.In addition to the garlic-like smell of the leaves, the flowers are also an important clue to prevent confusion with poisonous doppelgangers.

also read

  • Grow wild garlic yourself in the garden
  • The wild garlic in spring: a season full of delicious recipe ideas
  • The fox tapeworm as a danger when consuming wild garlic

The right place for wild garlic in the garden

With a little luck and the right choice of location in the shade under deciduous trees and shrubs, wild garlic will also thrive in your own garden. The soil should be as humus as possible and always a bit moist, but not show any pronounced waterlogging. When planning, bear in mind that wild garlic can multiply over time under good conditions. If your garden is fenced in, you need to worry less about the fox tapeworm with home-grown wild garlic than with wild plants.

Interesting facts about the settlement of wild garlic in the garden

There are different ways to plant wild garlic in the garden:

  • planting wild garlic plants
  • the use of wild garlic onions
  • the sowing of wild garlic seeds

Plants and bulbs purchased from specialist retailers must be planted deep enough at the selected location outdoors. The sowing of wild garlic can be done in summer or autumn either with purchased seeds or the withered inflorescences of wild garlic from the forest.

Tips & Tricks

After sowing fresh seeds, it can sometimes take up to two years for the wild garlic seeds to germinate. Then you should conserve the stock and allow it to multiply before you harvest it for the kitchen.