Which honeysuckle is evergreen and what are its characteristics?

Which honeysuckle is evergreen and what are its characteristics?

A perfect privacy screen even in winter

The main advantage of the evergreen honeysuckle is its evergreen foliage. With it it looks good even in the otherwise rather dreary winter and brings fresh green to bare, gray and empty house walls, fences, tree trunks and Co.

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  • The honeysuckle - features of this climber
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A quick alternative to ivy and co

Whether for greening walls, partitioning off or as a privacy screen, the evergreen honeysuckle is a good alternative to ivy and Co. It has a medium-strong growth and climbs new terrain of up to 60 cm per year. In total, it can tower up to 8 m (in exceptional cases up to 10 m) and up to 3 m wide.

External characteristics: leaves, flowers and fruits

The leaves of this type have the following characteristics:

  • dark green
  • glittering
  • elliptical
  • roll up in drought in winter
  • can fall off
  • sprout again in spring if necessary

Overall, the flowers are not very conspicuous. They are present from June to July and are yellow-red in color. If you want showy blooms, you should go for a different species! The fruits that emerge from the flowers are pea-sized, berry-like and blue-black. Beware: they are extremely poisonous!

Location requirements: sunny to partially shaded, moist

There are locations for the evergreen honeysuckle both outdoors and in pots. Partially shaded, sheltered and mild locations are best suited. Sometimes this plant can also thrive in the shade. But there it baldes faster.

How to care for the evergreen honeysuckle

This fast-growing climbing plant should be thinned out from time to time. This also promotes branching. The best time for this is in spring. A strong pruning can also be carried out if the hardy plant is bare. In addition, watering is important in every season.

Tips & Tricks

The evergreen honeysuckle and Lonicera ligustrina var. Pileata also have evergreen foliage. However, due to their demands, they are seldom available in local stores.