Make a radical cut on the harlequin willow - that's how it works

Make a radical cut on the harlequin willow - that's how it works


The best time for a radical pruning of the harlequin willow is spring. If you cut back your willow radically at this time of year, the ornamental shrub will reward you with lush flowers just a few months later. In the summer months, only shape cuts should then be made. In no case should you make a radical cut in autumn. With the risk of ground frost, the risk increases that your pruned harlequin willow will not survive the winter. A radical intervention at this time causes the interfaces to heal more poorly and makes Salix Integra susceptible to frost. Choose a cloudy, frost-free day for the radical cut.

also read

  • Fungal attack on the Harlequin Willow
  • How to plant a harlequin willow appropriately
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You have to be aware of that

The harlequin willow comes either in the form of a shrub or as a high trunk. Both variants require some rules for the radical cut:

Harlequin willow as a shrub

  • You can shorten your harlequin willow as a shrub to a few centimeters above the ground.
  • A quick shoot follows.
  • The radical cut promotes growth.
  • In addition, you save yourself the trouble of cutting out individual, bare branches.

Harlequin willow as a high trunk

Harlequin willows in the form of a high trunk are often grafted. Under no circumstances should you cut into the finishing point here. That way you would do massive damage to the harlequin willow.

  • Shorten the shoots to a maximum of ten centimeters.
  • There should be at least four pairs of eyes on one shoot.
  • Place the scissors just above the eye.
  • You should completely remove sick and dry shoots.
  • You should also thin out the crown by removing branches that are growing across and interfere with the look.
  • Don't leave stubs at the base.

Alternatives to the radical cut

Harlequin willows are also popular hedge plants as a shrub. In this case a radical cut would not be effective. However, it is essential to shorten the branches regularly. In this case, it is enough to cut back the plant by two thirds every two years.