Freeze pizza dough - and the next pizza will be ready in no time

Freeze pizza dough - and the next pizza will be ready in no time

What are the benefits of frozen pizza dough?

Those who like pizzas are faced with a wide range of options. Four factors play a decisive role:

  • quality
  • taste
  • own time expenditure
  • price

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If one or more of these factors speak in favor of a homemade pizza, it can be achieved more often with frozen pizza dough.

  • saves time in preparation
  • serves as an “unoccupied” base
  • allows individually created pizzas

The two ways to frozen pizza dough

When and how you fill your freezer with pizza dough is up to you. Fresh dough, which is kneaded and left to rise according to all the rules of the art, doesn’t go too far. That is why there are two ways you can get fresh batter for the freezer.

You can prepare pizza dough especially for the freezer and freeze it in portions. If you have the time and muse, for example on a day off, you can do this.

You can get pizza dough for the freezer more easily and without a lot of additional effort if you simply prepare more dough the next time you bake pizza. You can turn part of the batter into a delicious pizza straight away. The rest goes in the freezer.

Prepare pizza dough

Allow enough time so that the pizza dough can be prepared in peace and quiet as indicated in the recipe.

  1. Prepare the pizza dough according to the recipe.
  2. Let the dough rise.
  3. You can shape the dough into balls and freeze it or roll it out to make pizza.
  4. Roll out the pizza dough and portion it as needed.
  5. Put each piece in a freezer bag and then roll it out thinly with the rolling pin.
  6. Seal the bag airtight and place it in the freezer.


You can also roll out the pizza dough round before freezing if you prefer.


Frozen pizza dough should be turned into a delicious pizza within three months.

Thaw the pizza dough

Gentle thawing is best done overnight in the refrigerator. The dough can be processed the next day.

If the pizza dough has already been frozen thinly rolled out, defrosting is much faster. Take the pizza base out of the freezer bag and place it on a baking sheet to thaw. Then you can cover the floor with your favorite topping and finish baking.

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Advantages: Saves money and time when baking pizza; Can be transformed into an individual pizza creation at any time
  • Storage: Prepare a large amount of pizza dough for the freezer and freeze it in portions
  • Alternatively: the next time you bake a pizza, make more dough and freeze some of it
  • Preparation: Prepare the pizza dough according to the recipe and let it rise
  • Portioning: Shape the dough pieces into balls and freeze in freezer bags
  • Portioning: Alternatively, roll out the pizza dough, divide and put into bags; Roll out again and freeze closed
  • Tip: You can also roll out pizza dough round if you prefer
  • Shelf life: Frozen pizza dough can be used within three months
  • Thawing: Thaw the pizza dough overnight in the refrigerator and then process it further
  • Flat pizza dough: Immediately put it on the baking sheet; can be filled after a short thawing time

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