Drying the lovage: this is how it works!

Drying the lovage: this is how it works!

Advantages and disadvantages of drying

Lovage has a long shelf life as it dries and can be used in the kitchen as required. In addition, the result is more space-saving than the fresh or frozen version because the water is removed.

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  • The best methods: Preserving lovage
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However, drying also has disadvantages. The lovage:

  • loses its aroma (essential oils) - consequence: change in taste
  • loses color and charisma
  • oxidized and should therefore be stored in sealable containers

How is lovage dried?

If you planted the Maggi herb in spring, wait until the harvest in May. Then the shoots should be big enough for the first cut. Cut off individual stems with scissors. The lovage can be carelessly cut off to just above the ground.

The stems can then be tied into small bunches and hung in a dark place. A second variant is to dry the stems with the leaves in a dehydrator or, for example, spread them out on newspaper and dry them in the shade. The temperature in the dehydrator should not exceed 45 ° C.

After drying, which takes 1 to 2 days in the dehydrator and about a week in the air, the dried lovage can be filled into cans, glasses or bags. The storage location should be tightly closed. In addition to the leaves and stems, the seeds and roots can also be dried. In contrast to the leaves and stems, they have a stronger taste.

And what do you do with it?

After drying, the Maggi herb can be given a long grace period. It can be kept for several years in this form. If you want to use it, grind it between your hands or with a mortar and add it to the food. It is suitable for:

  • Tea B. with heartburn
  • Meat dishes like lamb
  • Fish like trout
  • Soups
  • Stews

Tips & Tricks

You should never dry herbs such as lovage in the blazing sun, as this leads to browning of the leaves and an enormous loss of taste.

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