Peruvian squill and what care it needs

Peruvian squill and what care it needs

How often and with what should be fertilized in potted culture?

The Peruvian squill, which is usually kept in pots in this country due to its poor frost tolerance, needs fertilizer at the right time and in the right dosage. It should be fertilized regularly from September and until it fades. This extends its prime.

also read

  • Peruvian squill - 'hardy' a foreign word
  • The squill - not only protected, but also poisonous
  • Improve half-knowledge: the bluestar in the profile

But basically it is sufficient to provide him with a suitable liquid fertilizer once a month. Alternatively, you can repot your Peruvian squill in fresh soil every autumn. Then there is no fertilizing.

Is overwintering absolutely necessary for survival?

Since this is a Mediterranean plant, overwintering is necessary if you do not want the plant to die. As a potted plant, it should be in a 10 to 20 ° C warm place throughout the winter. The temperature minimum is 7 ° C.

Does this plant need pruning?

All you need to do is remove old, withered, diseased and yellowed leaves as soon as they come into view. It also makes sense to cut off the withered inflorescences. Conventional scissors are sufficient for this.

Does the Peruvian squill have to be watered regularly?

The following must be observed when casting this blue star:

  • keep soil dry in summer (resting phase; bulb survives in the soil)
  • Increase watering from late summer to stimulate budding
  • keep the soil slightly moist from autumn to spring
  • Never let the soil dry out completely

How is this plant over-summered?

Oversummer is necessary. For the Peruvian bluestar, summer time means closed and rest time. He withdraws into his onion. Put it in a warm place, do not fertilize it and water it very sparingly or not at all.


If you spot yellow tips on the leaves of the Peruvian squill in early summer, don't worry! This is just an indication that the plant is slowly entering its dormant period. From now on the motto is: pour less!