A little trick with a big effect: effortlessly remove the seeds from the rose hips

A little trick with a big effect: effortlessly remove the seeds from the rose hips

Use a sieve and Flotter Lotte to tackle the seeds

Since the fruits contain a relatively large number of seeds and skin-irritating hairs compared to the pulp, you need a large number of rose hips to make a significant amount of jam or jam. Slicing and pitting the fruits one at a time would take too much time.

Instead of reaching for the knife and laboriously scraping off the seeds with burning fingers, you can use a simple trick to get the seed-free pulp of the rose hips: The rose fruits are boiled with a little water and then strained. This is how you get the pure fruit pulp, which you can process into fruity delicacies. The pods and seeds that remain in the sieve are not lost either: This marc is suitable as a base for rosehip vinegar or syrup as well as dried tea.

also read

  • Harvesting rose hips - how's it going?
  • What Makes Rose Hips So Healthy?
  • Drying rose hips and then?

The trick: pass rose hips twice

After the laborious but rewarding harvest of the rose hips, proceed as follows to separate the kernels from the rose hip pulp:

  • Sort out shriveled or mushy rose hips and any leaves and stems.
  • Wash the fruits thoroughly under running water to remove any impurities.
  • Put the rose hips in a sufficiently large saucepan and add enough water to just cover them.
  • Boil the whole thing up and let it simmer on a low heat for about half an hour, depending on the size of the rose hips.
  • As soon as the fruits are cooked soft, you can mash the mass with a potato masher. However, the passage will also succeed without this facilitating step.
  • Take the Lotte Lotte or a coarse sieve and rub the rose hip mixture through it.
  • To remove the fine hairs, pass the pith one more time: this time through a finer sieve or cheesecloth.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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