Freezing quark - this is how you make the delicious cream last longer

Freezing quark - this is how you make the delicious cream last longer

Important preliminary notes on freezing curd

We explicitly advise you to only freeze packaged quark from the supermarket. You should not freeze cottage cheese that you have prepared yourself or that you have already opened. The reasons for this are of a hygienic and health nature.

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While quark, butter, and fresh, soft, hard, and semi-hard cheeses are all safe to freeze, you should keep crème fraîche, sour cream, curdled milk, and yogurt out of the freezer. The latter products tend to become extremely flaky after thawing, which is both visually and tastefully unpleasant.

Also keep in mind that you cannot freeze food that has already been frozen and thawed again. Otherwise pathogens can develop in it - with very negative consequences for your health. This applies not only to quark, but in general.

Freezing curd - simple step-by-step guide

  1. Place the packaged curd in a can or box that is suitable for your freezer.
  2. Close the container tightly, i.e. absolutely airtight.
  3. Label the can or box with the current date to keep track of the shelf life.
  4. Put the jar with the curd in the freezer.

The quark has a lifespan of around three months in the freezer. During this time you should really use up the delicious cream in order to avoid any health risks.


Store your quark packs individually (not two pieces in the same container, even if it would save space). The portioning gives you much more flexibility when it comes to using the quark.

Thaw quark - this is the best way to work

We recommend that you take the frozen curd out of the freezer the evening before and put it in the refrigerator overnight to let it thaw slowly.

Note: Avoid exposing the quark to room temperature when thawing. Under such conditions, germs can form which are dangerous to your health.

How quark can change when frozen

As with any food, freezing and thawing does not leave the quark without a trace. The cream can change slightly as a result of these massive effects. Here are the typical consequences at a glance:

  • There is plenty of water in the quark. Part of this splits off from the milk mass, which makes the cream a little more fluid.
  • Sometimes small pieces form in the curd. These initially appear a bit annoying, but do not affect the taste of the cream.


To reduce the pieces, use a whisk. With it you can quickly stir the quark until creamy again. Add a dash of milk or cream and mix in the ingredients - this will help to enhance the creaminess.

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