Buttercup and Dandelion: One and the Same?

Buttercup and Dandelion: One and the Same?

Two different plants are called buttercups

When the buttercup is mentioned, it is not entirely clear whether the dandelion or the buttercup is meant. Both are also known as buttercups. It is a popular name that is more or less common depending on the region.

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  • Is the buttercup edible, yes or no?
  • Buttercup: Plant Family and Characteristics
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The dandelion, which belongs to the daisy family, is known not only as buttercup but also as a cowflower, bumblebee and dandelion. The sharp buttercup belongs to the buttercup family and is very different from the dandelion.

The characteristics of the sharp buttercup

The sharp buttercup is poisonous for humans and animals. It shouldn't be eaten. Even with skin contact, symptoms of poisoning such as redness, blistering and burning can occur on the skin.

Here are some of its features; on the basis of these it can be easily distinguished from dandelions:

  • Flowering period: May to July
  • Inflorescence: loose panicle
  • Single flowers: 1 to 3 cm wide, flat, wide open, five-fold
  • Flower color: golden yellow, appearing greasy, shiny
  • Leaves: 3 to 5 parts, basal and stem leaves

Recognizing dandelions - these are the characteristics that make it!

These features make the dandelion distinctive and easily recognizable:

  • Growth height: 10 to 50 cm
  • Flowering period: late April to early May, re-blooming in late summer
  • Flowers: 3 to 5 cm wide, egg yellow
  • Leaves: basal rosette, lanceolate, serrated
  • Stem: hollow, filled with white milky juice
  • Seed heads: conspicuously silvery-white, radial, hairy

Dandelions are mainly found in nitrogen-rich meadows, along roads and forest edges. Even if it is mainly considered non-toxic, it also contains a slightly toxic substance. It is taraxacin, an active ingredient found in the milk juice. Nevertheless, the dandelion can be helpful against fever, gout, cough, rheumatism, loss of appetite and deficiencies in various minerals and trace elements.


If you want to take advantage of the healing powers and vital substances of the dandelion, only use the young leaves and flowers for consumption! The older leaves are rich in toxic oxalic acid.