Freezing gooseberries properly - an icy extension of the season

Freezing gooseberries properly - an icy extension of the season

Careful preparation

So that the frozen fruits really taste good after thawing, they are carefully prepared after harvest. How to do it:

  • Wash the picked gooseberries in lukewarm or cold water
  • Use scissors to cut off the fruit stalks and withered remains of flowers
  • alternatively, clip it off with your fingernails
  • pierced with a small needle, the berries are less prone to bursting later

also read

  • Cleaning the gooseberries - how to do it right
  • Recommended gooseberry varieties for the hobby garden
  • Fertilize gooseberries properly for a bountiful harvest

The admittedly time-consuming cleaning of gooseberries is indispensable. Neither the stems nor the remains of the flowers dissolve during baking or preserving. These fruit components would significantly impair the enjoyment and are always removed for quality reasons.

Pre-freezing is worthwhile

One major shortcoming of frozen berries is that they stick together in a tight ball in the freezer. A portion-wise removal is therefore impossible. Knowledgeable housewives therefore freeze gooseberries. For this purpose, the fresh fruits are spread out on a plate or tray so that they do not touch. They are then transferred to freezer bags or cans to save space and finally frozen.

The clever way to freeze delicious snacks

The very healthy gooseberries turn into a tempting snack in the freezer that even fruit-resistant children like to eat. Use fully ripe berries for this, because they are no longer so sour. Immediately after the harvest, do the following:

  • toss the cleaned and washed gooseberries in sugar
  • Place one at a time in the compartments of an ice cube tray
  • fill each compartment with water
  • After the ice cube trays are frozen, they can be stacked without any problems

Depending on your mood, the frozen fruits can be removed individually and nibbled after thawing or defrosting.

Can only be kept for a few days in the refrigerator

Gooseberries can be kept for up to 12 months after freezing. This form of conservation ensures that the family can be supplied seamlessly until the next harvest. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the refrigerator. Here the delicious berries stay fresh for a maximum of 1-2 weeks. The more ripe they are when they are stored in the fruit compartment, the shorter the period.

In this case, the freshly harvested gooseberries should only be cleaned and washed shortly before consumption or preparation. The peel is inevitably damaged when the fruit stalk and remnants of the flower are removed, which also affects the shelf life in the refrigerator.

Tips & Tricks

Canned gooseberries are too soft when treated with boiling water to be nibbled individually. The fruits make up for this fact by turning into a delicious smoothie in the blender together with bananas. A sweet version with which you can also convince your children of the little vitamin bombs.


The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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