Peel the zucchini - enjoy the peel or remove it?

Peel the zucchini - enjoy the peel or remove it?

Tender, tasty zucchini bowl

Little speaks in favor of removing the skin from a zucchini. This pumpkin plant has a very soft coating that neither interferes with preparation nor is unappetizing.

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It is perfectly sufficient if the whole zucchini is washed off thoroughly. The end of the stalk should also be cut off.

There are other reasons for the bowl

The peel of the zucchini is probably healthier than the white inside of the pumpkin fruit and is even beneficial for cooking:

  • contains vitamins and minerals
  • Unpeeled zucchini pieces don't go mushy quickly
  • they retain their bite even after cooking


Don't worry, the popular belief that cooked zucchini peel takes on a bitter taste contains no trace of truth.

Peel only damaged areas

If a zucchini has a few unsightly or damaged spots, it doesn't necessarily have to be peeled completely. Often it is sufficient if only these areas are cut out generously. This way, the food still retains a green dash of color.

Conventionally grown zucchini

If you buy an organic zucchini, you can safely prepare it with the peel after washing it. Conventionally grown zucchini are sure to be sprayed with various chemical agents. No consumer can know exactly to what extent residues of it will remain on the shell after washing.

If thorough washing is not enough for you, then remove the entire shell in this case.

Large zucchini from your own garden

Usually only very young zucchini, which are very small and thin, are sold in the supermarket and at the weekly market. They are picked in this state on purpose, also because consumers want the seedless inside.

In contrast, a gardener's pride often produces particularly large fruits. A zucchini harvested in the home garden can be many times larger than a commercially available one. However, as the size of the fruit increases, the skin also becomes thicker. Then it is no longer pleasant to eat and should be peeled.

Peel zucchini - without any tips or tricks

Peeling is so easy that no special tricks make the work possible or have to make it easier.

A zucchini is almost as straight and smooth as a cucumber. The shell is also about the same thickness and firm. That is why a zucchini is peeled just like the cucumber. All you need is a peeler or a sharp little knife and a steady hand.

  • Wash the zucchini
  • Peel the peel into strips from one end to the other
  • even and thin
  • Remove the stalk


Cut a long zucchini into two or three parts before peeling it. With these handy pieces, peeling is easier and faster.

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Shell: is mostly tender and soft; can be eaten without any problems
  • Advantage: Contains vitamins and minerals; Cooked zucchini pieces stay crisper
  • Tip: Even when cooked, the peel does not taste bitter, as is often claimed
  • Small zucchini: have the most tender skin; do not have to be peeled; only remove the core
  • Damaged areas: Can be cut out generously; the rest of the shell can remain
  • Large zucchini: develop a thick and hard shell; peel before preparation
  • Type of cultivation: There is no risk of pesticide residues with organic goods; Peel other zucchini if ​​necessary
  • Procedure: Wash and cut away the end of the stalk; Peel the peel into strips with a peeler
  • Alternatively: use a sharp knife; Peel the zucchini as thinly and evenly as possible

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