Cutting, watering, fertilizing and the like - the care of the sandwort

Cutting, watering, fertilizing and the like - the care of the sandwort

Do you have to water the sandwort or does it tolerate drought?

Overall, the sandwort has a low water requirement. Once it has grown on, it can withstand dry periods very well. This is why it is so ideal for rock gardens and other drying facilities. It can make friends with calcareous irrigation water.

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However, regular watering is recommended for good growth. Water less often, but penetratingly so that the plant develops deep, fine roots. Make sure that there is no accumulating moisture. The sandwort does not tolerate this.

Does the sandwort need fertilizer?

Inevitably, sandweed does not need fertilizer outdoors. It copes well with poor soils. However, if you are hoping for abundant flowering that will last for a long time, you should fertilize this plant with compost once a year - preferably in spring. If the sandwort in the pot is on the balcony, for example, it should be sparingly supplied with liquid fertilizer every 2 to 4 weeks.

What is the role of pruning this plant?

This plant should be pruned when it has become too overgrown. Old, sick and weak shoots should also be removed. It is also advantageous if the withered flowers are cut off. Sometimes there is a subsequent flowering in autumn.

How is the sand weed divided and when?

Sharing is as follows:

  • every 2 to 3 years
  • Reason: rejuvenation, reproduction
  • shortly before budding in spring or autumn
  • Dig up the plant
  • cut off old, dead roots
  • take away weak shoots
  • Divide the root ball
  • Plant sections at a new location
  • Location: sunny, dry

Is it necessary to spend the winter?

Whether the sandweed is in a rock garden, in a bed or on a slope or embankment - it does not need to be overwintered. It is hardy down to -20 ° C. It should only be protected with brushwood, for example, in the case of late frost in spring.


If the sandwort is repotted annually, it does not need to be fertilized.