How do you properly fertilize thuja emerald?

How do you properly fertilize thuja emerald?

Do not over-fertilize emerald thuja

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when caring for emerald thuja is overfertilizing the emerald tree of life. Too many nutrients given by mineral fertilizers can burn the roots. The tree of life can then often no longer be saved.

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In the first year after planting, additional fertilizer is usually not required. The tree of life is well cared for through good soil preparation.

Only in the following years does the emerald thuja need light fertilizers. Follow the instructions on the package exactly and reduce the dose a little.

Suitable fertilizers for the emerald tree of life

  • Coniferous fertilizer
  • Thuja fertilizer
  • compost
  • Damn
  • Horn shavings

Whenever possible, you should use organic fertilizers such as compost, manure and horn shavings (€ 6.39 at Amazon *) to fertilize thuja emerald. You can't go wrong with this because over-fertilization is practically impossible.

The organic material is spread out in spring and carefully hooked into the ground.

Coniferous fertilizer is usually long-term fertilizer and is also given in spring. After fertilizing, the tree of life must be well watered.

Put on a mulch cover

The best nutrient supply is a mulch cover that you spread out under the tree. You can use grass clippings (without seeds), healthy leaves, chopped shrub clippings or bark mulch for this.

The mulch cover is renewed every spring. The materials rot and release dosed nutrients. In addition, the blanket keeps the weeds out and ensures constant soil moisture.

Fertilize the emerald thuja in the bucket

The emerald thuja does not have as many nutrients in the bucket as in the field. You should therefore regularly provide the tree of life with special conifer fertilizer for potted plants.

It is also a good idea to replace part of the soil in the spring if you are not transplanting the thuja anyway.


Emerald thuja is more sensitive than other types of thuja such as Brabant. But it has a beautiful emerald green color and a very elegant growth habit.