The Japanese lavender heather needs this care!

The Japanese lavender heather needs this care!

How should you water the Japanese lavender heather?

The Japanese lavender heather does not tolerate drought. Therefore, it should be given a generous amount of water, especially when it is in a pot, in a sunny location and during flowering. It is best to use lime-free water for watering, as this plant cannot extract anything from lime.

also read

  • Japanese lavender heather: Being toxic is in her blood
  • The Japanese lavender heather - hardy, but not always
  • Plant and care for Japanese lavender heather

Is fertilization absolutely necessary?

If you fertilize the Japanese lavender heather at regular intervals, you will be able to enjoy lush foliage and a richer flow of flowers. Potted plants should be provided with a liquid fertilizer every 3 to 4 weeks. Fertilizing has proven its worth especially during the flowering period in order to preserve the flowers for a long time and to strengthen the plant.

Which pest occurs most often?

The Japanese lavender heather is sometimes infested with the Andromeda net bug. This lays its eggs on the leaves and sucks the leaves out at the same time. Destroy the infected shoots before the larvae hatch!

Does wintering play an important role?

If the Japanese lavender heather is outdoors, you do not need to worry about wintering. This plant is well hardy. The display of the thermometer can drop to -20 ° C without hesitation.

But if your Japanese lavender heather is in a pot, you should take safety precautions:

  • in October wrap the pot with insulating material (e.g. fleece, old blanket)
  • Place a block of wood or polystyrene on the wall of the house
  • Place the pot on the block (prevents it from freezing through from below)
  • Water lightly on frost-free days
  • remove winter protection between mid and late February
  • Check for frozen parts of the plant

Why and how should this plant be pruned?

The shadow bell is cut during or shortly after its flowering period. Cut away any withered inflorescences. If the plant is used as a hedge, all shoots can easily be cut back for dense growth.

Tips & Tricks

You should wear protective gloves and, if necessary, eye protection for all care measures in which you come into direct contact with the Japanese lavender heather. This is recommended because of the toxicity of this plant.