Horn sorrel - edible, but not always healthy

Horn sorrel - edible, but not always healthy

The characteristics by which you can recognize it

The horned sorrel blooms from May to October. It shows its yellow flowers. The flowers consist of five petals and hairy, green colored sepals. The leaves lie beneath them. They tend to be reddish. Their shape is inverted heart-shaped, they are fingered and stalked in three parts.

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  • Wood sorrel - not only edible, but also healthy
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The horned sorrel can often be found in deciduous and coniferous forests. Even in winter it can peek out from under the blanket of snow. It preferably grows on acidic soils in partially shaded locations. If you walk through the forest between March and April, you are sure to meet him!

A sour, fruity taste

Anyone who has collected fresh wood sorrel can try it. It can be eaten raw and has a sour, slightly fruity and spicy taste. Most of the time, its leaves and flowers are eaten. But its fruits and roots are also edible, for example as vegetables in the pot or pan.

The quantity makes the poison

Wood sorrel is poisonous in high quantities. It contains oxalic acid, which is also found in rhubarb, beetroot and spinach. It is partially destroyed when heated and has a negative effect on physical well-being in large quantities.

Use well-dosed for healing purposes

If you want to take the horned sorrel, for example, as a juice, tea infusion, tincture or in a salad, you should use it sparingly. You should z. B. do not drink pure and by the glass. It is better to dilute the juice with water or tea and not drink more than 50 ml per day.

Areas of application where it has an effect

Due to the mucilage it contains, its high vitamin C content, its fatty oils and other ingredients, the horned sorrel is medicinal and can be used, among other things, for:

  • rheumatism
  • heartburn
  • Intestinal cramps
  • gout
  • Gallstones
  • Urinary tract infections
  • fever


In households with small children and free-range pets, it is advisable not to plant the hornworm clover too abundantly, but rather to destroy it because of its toxicity.