Cyprus grass care: watering, fertilizing and more

Cyprus grass care: watering, fertilizing and more

Why does watering play the main role and how do you water properly?

Since the Cyprus grass is originally a marsh plant, it has a high demand for water. This means that you should keep the entire ball of the pot moist to dripping wet. You are welcome to fill the coaster with water. However, it is important that the stalks are not under water. Otherwise there is a risk of rot.

also read

  • Hibernate the Cyprus grass - preparation, roosting & care
  • Find a location for the Cyprus grass
  • Is the Cyprus grass poisonous?

If you forget to water it quickly, you can cultivate the Cyprus grass straight away in a glass vessel that is filled with pebbles and water. Here you only have to change the water every now and then to avoid algae formation.

How else can you do something good for the Cyprus grass?

Cyprus grass is especially happy when it is grown in the home and in winter when it is sprayed with water from time to time. Simply use a hand sprayer, which you fill with room-temperature, lime-free water.

When should the Cyprus grass be repotted?

Since the Cyprus grass grows comparatively extremely quickly, it must be repotted regularly. Such an action may be necessary every year. You recognize the necessity by the fact that the tufts already protrude over the edge of the pot.

The best time to repot is between February and March. Make sure you put the plant as deep in the pot as you did before. The stalks should by no means be in the ground and thus in constant moisture.

How is the Cyprus grass fertilized?

What you should know about fertilizing:

  • from March to September
  • at regular intervals of 3 to 4 weeks
  • Use liquid fertilizer
  • for potted plants: conventional potted plant fertilizer is suitable
  • for pond plants: no fertilizer required
  • for plants in a glass with water: use complete fertilizer

Why not cut the Cyprus grass?

You do not need to cut the Cyprus grass. Only old, withered and brown parts should be removed. If necessary, you can shorten the plant a little before hibernating.

Does the Cyprus grass need to be overwintered?

Yes, the Cyprus grass should be overwintered. It is not hardy outdoors. Even temperatures below 10 ° C are a problem for him. Therefore, you should bring in the Cyprus grass in autumn.

Please note:

  • never overwinter in the living room (dry heating air is extremely harmful)
  • Place in a light and moderately warm place (15 to 18 ° C)
  • do not fertilize
  • like to spray
  • Check for pest infestation
  • divide / multiply after wintering if necessary


Brown leaf tips are a sign of lack of water. Make sure that both the humidity and the substrate are not too dry!

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