These climbing plants have a sunny disposition

These climbing plants have a sunny disposition

Annuals in the sky - plenty of sunshine is welcome here

Dreary facades, barren fences and other unattractive locations shine with a colorful carpet of flowers when flowering climbing plants come into play. The following annual species make up for a lack of winter hardiness with rapid growth and long flowering times:

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Annual climbing plantsbotanical nameHeydayFlower colorStaturespecial feature
Black-eyed SusanThunbergia alataJune to Octoberyellow-orange with black eye200 cm20 cm gain per week
Blue morning gloryIpomoea tricolorJune to Octoberpink in the shoot, later sky blue200 to 400 cmpoisonous seeds
Sweet peasLathyrusJune to Augustextensive range of varieties and colors100 to 150 cmseductive fragrance, suitable as cut flowers
Climbing snapdragonsAsarina scandensJune to the first frostlarge variety and color selection200 to 300 cmnice as a hanging plant in the traffic light
Bell vineCobaea scandensJuly to Octoberpurple, white or multicolored400 to 600 cmself-cleaning

Hardy climbers with a weakness for sunshine

Those who do not want to sow or plant climbing plants in a sunny location every year should prefer perennial species.

Perennial climbing plantsbotanical nameHeydayFlower colorStaturespecial feature
Climbing rose "Santana"pinkJune to Septemberfire red250 to 350 cmmore often blooming
Passion flowerPassifloraMay until Octoberpink to purple with a white halo200 to 400 cmWinter protection required
American climbing trumpetCampsis radicansJuly to Septemberred to dark red with an orange underside600 to 1200 cmshiny green, feathery ornamental leaves
GrapeVitisJune to Augustyellow-green in shades200 to 600 cmsplendid autumn colors of the leaves


Climbing plants for sunny locations are the ideal candidates for floral privacy protection on the terrace and balcony. Annual flower beauties transform the summer seat into a sea of ​​flowers and ward off curious glances. Evergreen climbers keep their privacy on autumn and winter days with their dense foliage.

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