Is the buttercup edible, yes or no?

Is the buttercup edible, yes or no?

Do not eat sharp buttercups

The hot buttercup is called buttercup. It is classified in the buttercup family and is considered poisonous. It is best not to get acquainted with him in your kitchen. Consumption can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and in the worst case to paralysis and shortness of breath.

also read

  • Buttercup and Dandelion: One and the Same?
  • Buttercup: What is the meaning of your name?
  • The buttercup or buttercup - a profile

It is completely different when parts of the plants of the sharp buttercup are eaten dry. If you mow your meadow and let the plant parts dry in hay, you can have these buttercups with you. The sharp buttercup is not poisonous when dry. The poisonous substances turn into non-poisonous substances during drying.

A buttercup can also be eaten fresh - the dandelion

The dandelion is known as buttercup, especially in regions of southern Germany. This is probably because its buttery yellow flowers were used to color butter in the past. In contrast to the fresh spicy buttercup, it is edible.

Its flowers, leaves and buds are mainly eaten. The roots are well known in medicine. The plant parts can be used, for example, for:

  • Salads (flowers and leaves)
  • Spinach (leaves)
  • Soups (leaves)
  • Sauces (leaves and flowers)
  • Tea (leaves and roots)
  • for pickling (buds)
  • Honey (flowers)

Where can you find the dandelion?

Dandelions can be found on nitrogen-rich soils. He likes to colonize roadsides, open forests, forest edges, meadows and fields. It is best to collect it shortly before or during its flowering period (April to May / June).

How does the dandelion affect the body?

You shouldn't eat too much dandelion. Otherwise it can lead to stomach pain coupled with nausea and diarrhea. Well-dosed amounts of dandelion have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • diuretic
  • choletic (e.g. in liver problems)
  • digestive
  • blood purifying
  • hematopoietic
  • anti-inflammatory (e.g. against gout, rheumatism)


Dandelions are rich in vitamin C, carotene and iron, among others. Regularly integrated in the menu, it replenishes the body's nutrient depots.