Place raspberries correctly - a rich harvest guaranteed!

Place raspberries correctly - a rich harvest guaranteed!

Summer raspberries or autumn raspberries - or both?

If you plan to harvest fresh raspberries for many weeks, you should plant both varieties. But create a separate row for each variety.

also read

  • Place raspberries at the optimal planting distance
  • Preserving raspberries - how to preserve raspberries for a long time
  • Harvesting Raspberries - How To Do It Right!

Summer raspberries are more abundant, need more care and are often infested with maggots. Growing autumn raspberries is less time-consuming and the maggot problem is eliminated. In return, the harvest is usually not quite as abundant.

If you have limited space in the garden, you can also choose so-called two-timer raspberries, which bear fruit twice a year.

The right place to put raspberries

Raspberries grow best in a sunny, airy location. There the fruits get bigger and sweeter. An airy space also prevents diseases and pests.

A bed that previously had other berry bushes is not suitable. Also keep a distance to other beds or plantings.

Proper soil preparation is essential

  • Loosen the soil deeply
  • Remove thickenings
  • remove weeds
  • Work in compost or manure

The soil must be loosened as deep as possible. In doing so, remove any thickening such as old roots and stones. This prevents waterlogging from occurring, which the raspberries don't even get.

Keep the planting site free of weeds. Work in compost, rotted manure, or peat.

Note the planting distance

Raspberries shouldn't be too close together. This promotes the spread of fungi.

Plant raspberries in a row at least 50 centimeters apart. You should leave 1.50 meters of space between several rows.

The planting of the plants

Put the plants only about two inches deep in the ground. Do not press the soil too hard.

Install scaffolding to tie up the raspberry plant's canes.

Tips & Tricks

Raspberry bushes from specialist dealers are usually supplied as container plants. Before you put these plants in the ground, you should put them in a bucket filled with water for a few hours beforehand. The roots then suck up well and grow on faster.