So powdery mildew on strawberries doesn't stand a chance

So powdery mildew on strawberries doesn't stand a chance

Correctly diagnose powdery mildew

If the mercury column rises to 18 degrees Celsius and higher, the powdery mildew spores find ideal conditions. They explode in the garden, not sparing strawberries. You can recognize an infection by these symptoms:

  • A white fungal lawn spreads out on the underside of the leaves
  • the foliage quickly turns red-brown to purple
  • in the further course the leaves roll up
  • A white powdery mildew coating develops on the fruits

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The infected strawberries do not ripen. Rather, they are rotting under the white patina. At this stage, healing is no longer expected, so you should part with the plants. However, prior to this you will certainly have control agents available.

Combat powdery mildew on strawberries naturally

Nobody wants chemical fungicides in their diet. Environmentally and health-conscious hobby gardeners have therefore opted for the following biological control of powdery mildew on strawberries:

  • Immediately remove all infected parts of the plant
  • spray repeatedly with a milk-water solution in a ratio of 1: 4
  • alternatively, give a natural preparation based on neem oil

The following recipe for a spray made from purely natural ingredients is making a name for itself: Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 15 milliliters of curd soap and vegetable oil with 2 liters of water. Apply to the infested strawberry plants at intervals of 3-4 days until the powdery mildew disappears.

Effective prevention

Hobby gardeners already have an extensive arsenal of effective procedures at their disposal in advance so that powdery mildew does not even attack the lovingly tended strawberry plants.

  • Place importance on an airy planting distance
  • weed weeds regularly and consistently
  • avoid nitrogen-stressed fertilization
  • do not pour over flowers and leaves

Since the cunning fungal spores of powdery mildew hibernate in the leaves on the ground, you should dispose of all clippings after cutting in autumn.

Tips & Tricks

In mixed cultivation, your strawberries receive valuable protection when plants are established there that counteract fungal spores. Well-fortified candidates are garlic, lettuce and marigolds. Make sure that there is sufficient planting distance so that the strawberries are not shaded by their neighbors.