Iron sulfate against moss in the lawn

Iron sulfate against moss in the lawn

Use iron sulfate against moss

Iron sulfate is widely regarded as "the remedy" against moss in the lawn. In fact, iron sulphate causes the moss to die and prevents new areas of moss from forming.

also read

  • When does iron fertilizer really help against moss? - Tips against moss-covered lawns
  • Calcium cyanamide - prevention of moss in the lawn
  • Does blue grain help against moss in the lawn?

However, the garden owner should be aware that iron sulphate, if not directly toxic, is corrosive. Other plants next to the lawn can be damaged as a result. Applying iron sulfate against moss is not necessarily the best solution for the soil either.

Only suitable for lawns

With iron sulfate, you can only get rid of moss in the lawn. The agent is not suitable for other areas of application such as moss on walls, exposed aggregate concrete slabs, roofs or garden furniture.

These materials would be corroded by the iron sulfate and become stained and attractive.

How to apply iron sulfate against moss

  • Application in spring
  • wait for damp weather
  • alternatively, sprinkle the lawn beforehand
  • Dissolve iron sulfate in the irrigation water
  • Treat the lawn evenly
  • alternatively use solid salt
  • sprinkle evenly
  • Then water the lawn
  • Do not step on the lawn for at least two days
  • Keep pets and children away
  • Then rake off dead moss

In the case of very heavily infested lawns, you should first pull a large part of the moss out of the ground with the rake.

A second application in August or September is possible with very heavy moss infestation.

Alternatives to combating moss in the lawn

Whenever possible, avoid using chemicals in the garden. It is better to scarify the lawn in the spring than combating moss with iron sulfate. Although this is more work, it is very beneficial for garden health.

Prevention is better than fighting

Moss occurs on lawns that are very shady and damp or that are not properly cared for. The best prevention against moss is therefore very good lawn care.

This includes regular fertilization. The soil should be well loose so that no waterlogging can occur. In summer, if possible, only spray until noon, then the lawn can dry off better by evening.

Mow the lawn regularly. The length of the grass should be kept a little longer on shady areas than on sunny areas.

Precautions when using iron sulfate

Iron sulfate is corrosive. This means that you have to make sure that neither liquid nor salts get directly on the bare skin or even in the eyes. Wearing protective goggles is just as advisable as putting on gloves that are resistant to chemicals.


Calcium cyanamide is a good prevention against moss in the lawn. The fertilizer creates dense green lawns in which there is no room for moss.