Calathea is not toxic to cats or other pets

Calathea is not toxic to cats or other pets

Calathea is not toxic to cats

The calathea is also called “arrowroot”. That is why many pet owners assume that the basket marante is poisonous because they think of the notorious arrow poison in South America.

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However, the concern is unfounded. The Calathea is not poisonous, in any part of the plant. On the contrary, the name “arrowroot” indicates that antidotes for arrow poison can be obtained from the plant.

In the past, the calathea was even used for medical purposes. However, that is now out of date.

Calathea is very susceptible to pest infestation

While the toxicity is not a problem when keeping a Calathea, the care makes certain demands on the plant lover. Pests such as spider mites in particular like to attack the basket marante.

They occur more often when the humidity is too low. Spray the plant regularly with low-lime water to prevent spider mite infestation.

If pests have appeared, rinse the basket margin under the shower. It is better to avoid chemical means of control, especially if you are a family member of cats or dogs.


If your cat has enjoyed the Calathea, vomiting may occur, even though the basket margin is not poisonous. There is nothing to worry about. Some four-legged friends eat the leaves to clean the stomach.