Sprinkling the lawn - tips for properly watering the lawn

Sprinkling the lawn - tips for properly watering the lawn

Why is proper watering so important?

The roots of the grass are only about six inches deep into the ground. However, especially in summer or after long periods of dryness, the water level sinks so low that the roots cannot get to the moisture.

also read

  • Can you water the lawn in the sun?
  • How often should you water the lawn?
  • Fighting weeds in the lawn - tips for correct scarifying

When should I start watering the lawn?

When the grass begins to turn brown, it's almost too late to water. The lawn will recover, but it will take a long time to form a green carpet again.

You should therefore start watering at the latest when the leaves appear limp and take on a blue-green color.

Watering the lawn properly - the best time to water it

Word has got around that it is harmful to water your lawn during the hottest midday heat. The wet leaves would be burned by the strong sunlight. In addition, the water consumption is then very high because most of the water evaporates and does not penetrate the soil.

If possible, you should have a lawn sprinkler sprinkle your lawn early in the morning (€ 27.94 on Amazon *). If that is not possible, blast the area at night, in the morning and in the evening.

Water every day - yes or no?

Daily sprinkling with little water is not enough. As a rule, the water does not seep deep enough into the ground. It is better if you only water mornings and evenings every four days or once a week, but then pour enough water so that the moisture penetrates up to 15 centimeters into the soil.

As a rule of thumb, remember that with light soils, you need ten to 15 liters of water per square meter to water the lawn properly. With very solid soil you should expect between 15 and 20 liters of water.

Sandy soils only need to be watered every three to four days if there is sufficient water. For lawns on loamy soils, weekly irrigation is sufficient, as these soils retain water for longer.

Have you poured enough?

This can be determined in two ways. Either cut out a small piece of grass with the spade and see how much the soil is moistened. Simply put the sods back in.

If you are watering with a sprinkler, simply set up a rain gauge.

The right system for irrigation

  • Watering cans for small areas or lawn substitutes
  • Garden hose
  • Lawn sprinkler (e.g. from Gardena)
  • Automatic sprinkler system

Tips & Tricks

Watering the lawn properly is easy with an underground irrigation system. It has the advantage that there are no hoses on the lawn. The system can be set so that fixed amounts of water are released at selected times.
