Propagate roses yourself by cuttings

Propagate roses yourself by cuttings

Vegetative propagation in non-root roses

The expert understands true-root roses to be the unrefined varieties that are able to develop strong roots themselves. These roses are usually stronger and more resilient than their grafted relatives, and they are also easier to propagate. These roses also often develop root runners - these are referred to as "wild shoots" in the case of the grafted roses - which are particularly easy to propagate. All you have to do is dig up the runners and replant them in the desired new location. Propagation via cuttings or cuttings is also quite uncomplicated. With all variants you create clones of the mother plant, ie the cuttings will have the same characteristics.

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Roses propagate with the help of a potato

Many rose lovers swear by the help of a potato when propagating their favorite roses, because this should make it easier for the plant to develop roots. To do this, cut cuttings as usual and put them with the cut surface to be rooted in a fresh potato. Finally, the potato (including the rose, of course) is planted in a pot with potting soil and completely covered with the substrate. The tuber supplies the cutting with nutrients and thus ensures that the young plant takes root more quickly - it works in a similar way to a rooting powder. However, it can also happen that instead of the rose, the potato will eventually sprout.

Root roses in the water

You can often read that the rooting of roses in a glass of water would not work. This claim applies to grafted, but not to non-root varieties. For this method, cut a long stem with a flower from the shrub to be propagated and place it in a vase. Let the blossom wither and then cut it off, but leave the shoot in the water. Change the water regularly and place the vase in a bright place, perhaps on a windowsill. With a little luck, the shoot will develop roots within a few weeks.


In contrast to non-rooted roses, grafted roses cannot be propagated so easily using cuttings. You can try, however, but you should only use shoots above the grafting point - otherwise, grow the rootstock and not the hybrid tea. However, these varieties should be better oculated (this is the technical term for grafting), as they are often difficult to develop roots.