Should you cut off old inflorescences from the oleander?

Should you cut off old inflorescences from the oleander?

Do not cut off faded inflorescences

With many flowering shrubs, what has faded should be removed in order to stimulate the plant to produce new flowers again and again. This is not the case with the oleander: Since the plants for new ones are already at the top of the old flowers, removing the dead shoots would also cut the new flowers. Therefore, it is better to leave faded on the bush; in addition, dried up flowers fall off by themselves after a while. Only the seed pods, which are reminiscent of beans, should be removed, as their formation takes a lot of strength from the plant.

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Check your oleander regularly for signs of infection, for example from Pseudomonas or Ascochyta; these preferentially attack dead shoots. In the event of illness, infected parts of the plant should be cut back.