The right location for garden, tub and room hibiscus

The right location for garden, tub and room hibiscus

All hibiscus varieties have one thing in common - they love light and sun. Depending on their use, they have different requirements for their location.

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Hibiscus in the garden

The hardy species Hibiskus syriacus, also known as garden hawk or rose hawk, and the lesser known hibiscus moscheutus, an herbaceous plant, are suitable for the garden. In the garden, the hibiscus thrives particularly well in a sunny, sheltered place.

The hibiscus is very vigorous and can reach a height of 2-3m after a few years. If you make sure you have enough space to spread out before planting, you will save the hibiscus from unnecessary transplanting.

The hibiscus as a container plant

During the summer a Chinese hibiscus spreads in the bucket. Hibiskus rosa sinensis Holiday flair on the terrace. In a sunny place it develops bright flowers from June to September. Once set up, the bucket should not be moved, otherwise the hibiscus will shed its flowers.

Since the Chinese hibiscus is not hardy, it must be brought into the house from October. In a bright place in the well-air-conditioned winter garden, in a cool room or in the stairwell with a window, it can gather strength for the next flowering season at temperatures of 12-15 degrees.

The right place in the room

The most common houseplant used is the Chinese hibiscus or rose marshmallow. It needs a bright, sunny location. He's in good hands on the windowsill, but not necessarily in the blazing midday sun.

The rose marshmallow can handle the proximity to the heating well, if sufficient irrigation water and humidity are provided. Once the hibiscus has created its flowers, it must not be slipped to prevent the flowers from shedding.

During the rest period in winter, the room hibiscus should be given a cooler, but always bright place. This promotes new growth and the budding for the next summer. The ideal room temperatures are 12-15 ° C.

Location errors and their consequences

  • In a shady spot in the garden, the hibiscus cannot develop its blossoms because it receives too little light and sun
  • An unprotected place is critical in the first few winters with heavy frosts, as young plants are still sensitive to frost
  • The Chinese hibiscus can lose its leaves in dark winter quarters
  • at room temperatures below 10 ° C there is a risk that the entire room hibiscus will die

Tips & Tricks

Once the hibiscus has moved into its bright, cool winter quarters, it needs sufficient humidity. By ventilating it regularly, you can also prevent spider mite infestation.