Verbenen pflanzen – ein Rundumblick

Verbenen pflanzen – ein Rundumblick

Welchen Standort bevorzugen Verbenen?

Verbenen wachsen am liebsten an einem in Richtung Süden ausgerichteten, vollsonnigen Standort . Eine halbschattige Lage stellt für diese zum Großteil nicht winterharten Pflanzen einen Kompromiss dar. Sowohl im Topf und Kübel als auch im Freiland im Beet können sie gepflanzt werden.

Lesen Sie auch

  • Welcher Standort ist für Verbenen geeignet?
  • Verbenen überwintern - ist das sinnvoll?
  • Sind Verbenen mehrjährig?

The soil should ideally be mixed with compost or manure before planting or sowing. For plants on the balcony, normal potting soil and a later regular supply of liquid fertilizer are sufficient. Basically, the substrate should have the following properties:

  • nutritious
  • permeable
  • moist environment
  • calcareous to neutral
  • humus

When should verbenas be sown?

Since most types of verbena are not perennial, they have to be brought back to life every year by sowing. Often the verbs multiply by self-sowing. Sow in the open ground in May at a distance of 30 cm.

Is it advisable to move forward at home?

If you want to plant verbenas on your balcony, you can prefer them in the apartment from February. The room temperature should be between 19 and 20 ° C. You can put the plants outside from the end of May.

When do verbenas bloom and when can their seeds be collected?

From April to autumn, verbenas are happy to flower when their faded inflorescences are cut off regularly. In autumn the fruit capsules form with the seeds. The seeds can be collected in late autumn. Attention: When ripe, the fruit capsules burst and transport the seeds outside ...

Are there suitable plant neighbors?

Verbenas look best in tuffs of three to five plants. They come into their own visually alongside neighboring plants such as poppies, astilbe, petunias (on the balcony), foxgloves, scorchweed and splendid candles.

Tips & Tricks

If you piss the young plants from a height of 8 cm, they grow bushier and look more appealing overall.