The ranunculus in the room: this care is desired!

The ranunculus in the room: this care is desired!

How should this houseplant be watered?

Ranunculus need a lot of water. Therefore, especially if they are cultivated in the room, they should be watered regularly. Water consumption is particularly high during the flowering period. Therefore, water your ranunculus about 2 to 3 times a week! It is best to use stale, room warm tap water for watering.

also read

  • The ranunculus has faded - what now?
  • Ranunculus care: watering, fertilizing, cutting and more
  • Ranunculus: What role does temperature play?

The soil should be kept evenly moist. It is important to ensure that excess irrigation water can run off unhindered, so that waterlogging and consequent mold formation cannot occur. On the other hand, the soil must not dry out, especially during the flowering period. After the flowering period, watering should be reduced. Let the earth dry out every now and then.

At what intervals and with what do you fertilize the ranunculus in the room?

Fertilizing in itself is not a challenge. You should consider the following:

  • do not fertilize too much
  • too much nitrogen-rich fertilizer is at the expense of flower formation
  • Use liquid fertilizer
  • fertilizing every 2 weeks is sufficient
  • Period: from April to September
  • when the leaves dry up, stop fertilizing

What role does cleaning play?

It is advisable to remove the dried leaves and withered flowers of the ranunculus regularly. You can use scissors to cut or just use your fingers. The quick removal of old flowers causes new flower buds to form.

Does the houseplant need a certain hibernation?

Here are some hints for winter storage:

  • cool in winter
  • in places that are too warm: do not take a rest
  • either put the pot in a cooler place or take the onion out of the ground
  • like to quarter in the basement (cool, dark, dry)
  • Repot or replace old soil with fresh soil after overwintering


Since the ranunculus is poisonous, keep it out of the reach of pets and young children at home, and properly dispose of any fallen / removed plant parts!