Magnificent lilac - the most beautiful species and varieties

Magnificent lilac - the most beautiful species and varieties

The most beautiful varieties of common lilac (Syringa vulgaris)

The common lilac has been an extremely popular flowering shrub in our gardens for around five centuries. The multi-stemmed shrub can be up to seven meters high and spreads through numerous runners. In May, the lilac unfolds its strongly fragrant, blue-violet flowers, which stand together in ten to 20 centimeters long, multi-flowered panicles. There are also numerous varieties with single or double flowers. Lilac is suitable for both individual and group planting, as well as for lush flowering hedges.

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'In memory of Ludwig Späth'dark purple, simpledensely branched, bushy250 - 350 cm150 - 200 cm
'Charles Joly'dark purple-red, outside purple-white, doubleupright, dense, broader at the top250 - 350 cm125 - 175 cm
'Katharine Havemeyer'lilac-pink in the bud, later lilac, half to doubleupright, dense, broader at the top400 - 600 cm300 - 500 cm
'Michel Buchner'pinkish purple with white eye, doubleupright, densely branched250 - 350 cm125 - 175 cm
'Mme Antoine Buchner'delicate mauve pink, doubleupright, densely branched300 - 500 cm200 - 400 cm
'Mme Lemoine'Creamy yellow in the bud, white when open, doublebushy, upright, densely branched250-300 cm150-180 cm
'Primrose'greenish-yellow in the bud, light yellow when opened, simpleupright, dense, funnel-like400 - 600 cm300 - 500 cm
'Sensation'purplish pink with a silvery hem, simplestrong upright250 - 400 cm125 - 175 cm

Particularly profuse: Chinese lilac (Syringa x chinensis)

The Chinese lilac grows loosely upright with thin, arching branches. In old age it becomes three to five meters high and just as wide. In May there are purple-violet, fragrant flowers in large, rather loose panicles along the branches. The flowers of the 'Saugeana' variety are purple-red. In contrast to many other lilacs, the Chinese lilac is a wonderful specimen shrub with a rich floral pile due to its pleasing structure. Occasionally, it is also pulled tall. This lilac also feels most comfortable in a sunny and warm location.

More wonderful lilacs for pots and gardens

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin', a compact, delicate and richly branched small shrub barely more than a meter high, is perfect for the pot. Even the young plant blooms very richly in numerous small panicles. The buds are purple-pink, when they open they are whitish pink. The Syringa 'Josee', which is up to 150 centimeters high, is also suitable for keeping in a bucket due to its compact growth. Its flowers are purple-purple in the bud, but pink when opened.

Lilacs of the Villosae group

Common features of the varieties in this group are their height between three and four meters and their broad, upright habit. The flowers can be purple, pink, or white. They stand together in long, narrow and dense panicles and bloom in June. All varieties bloom abundantly, are robust and very frost hardy.


Even if the name suggests otherwise: the summer or butterfly lilac is not related to the lilac, but blooms similarly profusely - only later.