So begradigen Sie Ihren Garten selbst – Tipps & Tricks

So begradigen Sie Ihren Garten selbst – Tipps & Tricks

Maximalen Höhenunterschied ermitteln – so geht es

Auftakt einer Garten-Begradigung ist die Markierung der gesamten Fläche, die Sie ausgleichen möchten. Mit der folgenden Methode stellen Sie den bestehenden Höhenunterschied exakt fest, der zu nivellieren ist:

  • Rund um das Areal Holzpfosten in die Erde treiben
  • Tension cord a few centimeters above the ground
  • Hang a plumb bob on the strings to determine the highest point in the terrain

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By measuring at various points with a plumb line and measuring tape, you can determine exactly to the centimeter to what extent the uneven surface needs to be leveled. In order to keep track of things, ideally mark and write down the values. Please consider a slope of 2 cm per running meter away from the house so that you do not have to deal with drainage problems afterwards.

Leveling the ground - step-by-step instructions for the coarse subgrade

After the numerical documentation of the straightening, the ground work can begin. To properly level the uneven garden, all you need is a shovel, rake and roller. How to proceed correctly step by step:

  • Use the spade to lift the existing sod from the surface of the earth
  • Ideally, spread a weed control (€ 28.90 at Amazon *) for an easy-care garden
  • Gradually distribute the topsoil over the surface and smooth it out with the rake
  • Repeatedly measure the progress of the straightening with a plumb line and a tape measure
  • In the last step, level the area with a lawn roller

In order to level a large area, you can borrow various machines and devices inexpensively from the hardware store. A sod cutter removes old lawns or a bumpy meadow in no time. A rotary tiller loosens the soil to remove roots. Use a small vibrating plate (€ 214.60 at Amazon *) to level the top soil that has been heaped up. The mini excavator moves a large volume of earth with ease.

Level out the last unevenness with fine subgrade - that's how it works

After the rough subgrade, please give the floor at least 2 weeks to settle. After this period has expired, measure the level again with a spirit level. Where the soil has sagged, level these last bumps with a mix of topsoil and compost. Use a rake, rake and lawn roller to work the area until a fine crumbly soil is created. This fine subgrade forms the perfect basis for plants of all kinds.


Leveling your garden is an excellent opportunity to improve the quality of the garden soil. With ripe compost, sandy soil has better storage power for water and nutrients. Loosen up compacted loam and clay soil with sand, perlite (€ 32.90 at Amazon *) and leaf earth.